Monday, January 9, 2012

2012--Fork in the road

Happy New Year!

Hello, Hola and Bonjour


For the past two years and its now my third year I have picked a theme word for the year. 
2010- Focus

2011- Self-control

and after much consideration my new theme word is.....drum roll to be IN.TEN.TION.AL.

I want to be intentional in my quite time with God
Quality time with my ubber hott hubby
Family time and spending time with Ladybird
Intentional in discipline and teaching ladybird to love the Lord
School work
Being intentional with friendships and pouring time and love into them
Intentional in service
Loving my neighbor as myself

And the list could go on......

I am really excited for this year because I feel like this is going to be a huge year for spiritual growth. I feel like I am at a cross-road in my relationship with Jesus I can either continue in my reading of the Bible every day or continue to live a quiet, respectful, and unauthentic life for Christ or I can jump the hurdle and live passionately on fire for God.

Where the fire burns people will gather. The hubsters and I desire to live in community with friends who want to live a radical life for Jesus.

I am at a cross-roads which road will I take? I can either be hot or cold but I am tired of being luke-warm.
I think you know which one I have chosen? To live hot hot hot for Christ! 

So Happy New Year everyone and God Bless you.


1 comment:

  1. I love this idea of picking a word or theme for the year. I need to do this! Thanks for the great idea!


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