Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cloth Diapers

My family and I are about to venture into the world of cloth diapers. Some days I feel empowered and feel excited for all the amazing benefits cloth diapers have to offer and other days I feel lost, scared and confused (ok maybe not all three at once). I have talked to many people about this subject and I have found you have either people who are completely for it and would not choose to diaper any other way or the folks that think I am crazy. I have some fantastic friends who have really helped me through this journey of just trying to figure out cloth diapers (mind you I have never actually cloth diapered a child before well for the exception of putting on a cloth diaper once for Ava at a friends house). I am just in the beginning stages I feel lost just trying to figure out the best way to wash the darn things and this is without poop.

I am not putting any pressure on myself to make it to potty training in cloth diapers so I am taking this journey one step at a time. I would like to get through the newborn stage first although we will be using a combination during this time to allow the meconium to leave his body and second because honestly am I really going to be washing diapers every two days during our first weeks home... Right now I say not a chance.

Cloth diapers are a heavy investment but you save so much money in the long term; like anywhere from $1500 to $2000 that is a lot of money from newborn to potty training.

We have chosen to cloth diaper for several reasons.

1. Have you ever felt a cloth diaper it's super soft and who would not want that on their bum?

2. There are reported to be little to no diaper rashes.

3. Saving money.

4. Much better on the environment

5. His bum will look super adorable in cloth diapers and especially sporting all of those cute prints.


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